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Do GMOs Harm Health? GMOs are relatively new and, like anything new, there are conflicting viewpoints about many issues surrounding the use of these plants. One area that draws a lot of attention is whether these GMO plants and the foods that contain them are safe to eat. There is no data to indicate that consumption of GMOs […]

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Build A Terrarium In Winter

Constructing a terrarium is easy and inexpensive and can be accomplished on a snowy afternoon. Their care is minimal since they can go for months without water under the proper conditions. In addition, a wide variety of plants can be grown that would typically fail miserably in the dry, drafty environment of the average home.

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Why Do We Use GMOs? When farmers plant their crops they generally worry about three things that could prevent a good yield: insects, weeds and weather. Most of the GM crops grown around the world today address problems caused by insects or weeds (although some GMOs are currently being tested for enhanced nutrition). When it comes to insects, there

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What Are GMOs? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Let’s break it down word by word. Genetically refers to genes. Genes are made up of DNA, which is a set of instructions for how cells grow and develop. Second is Modified. This implies that some change or tweak has been made. Lastly, we have the word Organism.

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Lighting for Indoor Plants

Why are my indoor plants dropping leaves? What is the reason why some  of my indoor plant leaves are brown on the edges? Incorrect lighting is a possible cause for these indoor plant problems.  Learn about indoor lighting, how to care for plants based upon what direction your windows face, and types of plants for

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Certify Your Native Garden

You’ve made the effort to add native plants to your landscape, increasing biodiversity and enhancing habitat. Well done! You deserve some recognition, and the Indiana Native Plant Society can provide the means to show off your native garden as an example for others. Step one is to get your Grow Indiana Natives native garden certification.

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Plan Your Garden

Spring may seem a long way off, but if you are excited for spring gardening, why not start planning now? Serious gardeners have been formulating their plans all winter long. Whether you fancy yourself growing vegetables or flowers, here are a few tips to get you started. First of all, if you have never done

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Poinsettia Care

The poinsettia, the most popular holiday plant, is best known as the plant with bright red flowers on a green background. But, the showiest part of the poinsettia is the group of colorful specialized leaves called floral bracts that surround the small, yellowish-green structures that are the true flowers, said Michael N. Dana and B.

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Winter Tree Protection

As trees in our urban and suburban landscapes prepare for winter dormancy and cold, theycould use a little extra care from you to ensure a good start in the spring. As the seasons change, trees prepare to overwinter in a dormant state. Dormancy is not death; it is a natural state inwhich trees prepare and

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Winter Salt Damage to Plants

Deicing salts are essential to winter travel  and provide necessary safety in a landscape setting by melting dangerous ice on precarious steps, sidewalks, entryways, and other areas of frequent foot traffic. However, winter damage from salt can be a major problem in some landscapes by negatively impacting plant health or sometimes outright killing plants from

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